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Keen to better manage your personal finances or understand how personal loans work? We explain how to make better financial decisions, regardless of your personal situation

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What does the NZ Budget announcement mean for everyday Kiwis?

We look at the government budget announcements and review how you can stretch your household budget further.

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How to apply for a personal loan

Everyone has different financial needs and goals, and understanding whether you need a personal loan is unique to everyone.

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Key considerations when getting an urgent loan

What is an emergency loan or urgent loan? Why might I get an urgent loan?

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Do I need a personal loan and can I afford one?

Everyone has different financial needs and financial goals, and understanding whether you need a personal loan is unique to everyone.

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Top considerations for getting a car loan

We discuss considerations for your purchase process, and whether you need a car loan or car finance.

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Do the lending regulation changes affect your ability to borrow?

Changes to the Credit Contract and Consumer Finance Act (CCCFA) also affect personal loans. How are you impacted?

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