Our latest resources

Keen to better manage your personal finances or understand how personal loans work? We explain how to make better financial decisions, regardless of your personal situation

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How a holiday loan can help you with Trans-Tasman travel

The opportunity to travel across the ditch is firmly back in the mind of Kiwis as our borders open up

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Where to splurge and save on your wedding

The average NZ wedding costs $35,000: planning, research and budgeting will be key to ensure you keep within your budget.

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Tips For Paying Off Your Personal Loan

Personal loans are a great way to access cash quickly and can be really useful for short term cash flow

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Personal Loan vs Car Loan: What’s the best way to finance a new vehicle?

Buying your first car ever? Upsizing or downsizing your vehicle? Upgrading to a newer, more reliable model?

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Top renovations that add the most value to your home

Thinking of selling your home? Growing family? Working more from home? There are lots of reasons for tackling a renovation.

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Covering unexpected medical bills with an emergency loan

Unexpected expenses can pop up at any time. Medical bills can be wide-ranging, depending on the type of care needed.

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