Our latest resources

Keen to better manage your personal finances or understand how personal loans work? We explain how to make better financial decisions, regardless of your personal situation

Check out our resources

Increasing knowledge and confidence in personal finance

Money Week is an annual public awareness campaign helping people answer the questions we all have about managing our finances.

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Unexpected home repairs and how to pay for them

If your next project is a home renovation or house repair, you can apply for a personal loan.

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What if I have personal loan feedback or a complaint?

We know that everyone can have very different experiences during the loan application and approval process.

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How to repay my personal loan quicker

You can be smart about how often you pay your loan, overpaying repayment amounts, making occasional lump sum payments.

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Getting a personal loan for car repairs

A personal car loan can be helpful to upgrade a car, unexpected car repairs or finance known vehicle repairs.

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The personal loan verification process

How does the personal loan verification process work? What information do lenders need to know about your personal finances?

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