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Category: Partners

What does the “status” message on my customer’s application mean?

SMS Sent: The customer has received their SMS link to apply with NectarPay. Application started: The customer has registered with

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What’s the difference between a secured and an unsecured loan?

Secured loans are made with collateral, which the lender typically holds as a guarantee against payment. Unsecured loans are made

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What’s the difference between a credit card and a NectarPay loan?

Credit cards work through a revolving line of credit, which is a line of credit that automatically renews as it

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How do I explain the establishment fee to my clients?

Our establishment fee is how we keep costs low for your business and fund you quickly, and allows us to

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How do I review the applications that have been submitted?

All applications can be viewed from your Partner Portal. In the Portal, click “All Applications” to see every client that

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Why was my client declined?

While Nectar works to maximise approvals, as a responsible lender we may not be able to approve a customer for a

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