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Category: Partners

How long after signing the loan documents will my customer’s first payment be due?

Nectar’s payment cycles are aligned with your customer’s pay cycle (i.e weekly, fortnightly or monthly). If the customer’s next pay

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How quickly can a client apply for and finish the financing process?

Our application process is fast and simple, and takes about 7 minutes to complete and receive a pre-qualification. After this,

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How long after my client has been approved will the funds be in my account?

Nectar strives for the shortest funding period possible. Typically, funds will arrive within 1 business day of finance documents being

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How do I log in to my account?

To view your account, visit our Partner Portal app.nectar.co.nz/partners and log in with the credentials provided by your Relationship Manager.

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What are the fees/interest costs?

Nectar charges an establishment fee (see nectar.co.nz/rate-and-terms) plus interest to your customer. Interest rates are between 8.95% p.a. fixed and

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How does the NectarPay process work?

Once you are set up to access the NectarPay partner portal, you can start the process by entering your customer’s

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