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Category: Blog

Will My Partner’s Debt Affect My Credit Score?

If you're applying for a personal loan, you can be assured it will be assessed on your individual credit history.

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Leverage Technology to Manage Your Debt

Technology has made it easier to manage debt: check our list of ways to take advantage of the latest technologies.

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Tips on What You Need to Get a Personal Loan

We discuss the documents you'll need to apply for a personal loan, and checking your credit history and interest rates.

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Will Applying for a Loan Affect My Credit Score?

Applying for one loan will not negatively affect your credit score - credit bureaus expect borrowers to apply for loans.

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Why Using a Personal Loan to Renovate Your Bathroom is Better Than a Credit Card

When you borrow money with a personal loan, you know exactly how much you can spend on your bathroom renovation.

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Online Applications to Borrow Money in New Zealand

Nectar enables you to borrow money without leaving your home - complete our secure online application and verify your information.

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