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Category: Blog

Top considerations for getting a car loan

We discuss considerations for your purchase process, and whether you need a car loan or car finance.

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Five Tips For Buying Your Teens First Car

Do you remember your first car? Chances are it was a memorable moment, your first taste of freedom.

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7 Reasons You May Be Denied A Personal Loan

Personal Loans are hugely helpful for a range of people, at different life stages, and for various reasons.

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How a holiday loan can help you with Trans-Tasman travel

The opportunity to travel across the ditch is firmly back in the mind of Kiwis as our borders open up

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Where to splurge and save on your wedding

The average NZ wedding costs $35,000: planning, research and budgeting will be key to ensure you keep within your budget.

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Tips For Paying Off Your Personal Loan

Personal loans are a great way to access cash quickly and can be really useful for short term cash flow

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