Before applying for a personal loan, car loan, home loan or credit card, borrowers often wonder what could have affected their credit score. A credit score and credit history ultimately determine whether a borrower qualifies for a loan and at what interest rate they can borrow money. Before hitting submit on an online application, borrowers may want to know if a partner’s credit score or debts will affect their credit score.
If a borrower is applying for a personal loan or line of credit, they can rest assured that it will be their own credit history and data that is analysed.
If a borrower has a credit score of 900 and borrower’s spouse or partner has a credit score of 550, the borrower will find their good credit history will give them a strong chance of their application being approved.
With this in mind, potential borrowers can submit an online application today knowing that their strong financial decisions in the past will be a key reason why they are approved for a personal loan or other credit product.
There are some scenarios in which individuals may apply for a personal loan with their spouse as a co-borrower. This is common when it comes to a home loan or a mortgage, but is also common with a personal loan when two incomes are required to pay the loan. In this situation, a loan provider may consider both credit scores, or use the highest of the two credit scores.
If you would like to know more about your eligibility for a personal loan you can use this link or contact Nectar today at 0800 855 888.
*Nectar’s lending criteria and responsible lending checks apply.