Frequently Asked Questions

How will you verify my income, employment and bank statements?

All applicants must provide information regarding their financial situation. The fastest and easiest way to do this is during the application process by using our online verification tool.

We useĀ Credit SenseĀ (a highly secure Australian Credit Reporting Body) to view your bank information. The Credit Sense process is quick, convenient and secure and allows us to process your loan quickly.

While you are required to provide your internet banking login details during the Credit Sense process, neither Nectar Money or Credit Sense sees or stores your internet banking credentials. Your credentials are encrypted when you enter them, passed to your bank to allow Nectar Money read only access to your bank history, and then permanently deleted.

We use this information to verify your income and employment information, perform responsible lending checks plus confirm your bank account.

If further income verification is required our friendly lending team will contact you directly.