Please note: Calculator results are an approximate guide to repayment amounts based on your selected credit history and includes all fees. A Nectar Money loan is subject to the completion of an application form, successful responsible lending checks and fulfilling our standard lending criteria. They do not represent a quote or offer for a loan. Results include a $240 establishment fee and $1.75 admin fee per repayment.
Consolidate multiple loans into one payment
Buy a car today with our car loans
Get a home improvement loan with a competitive rate
Take care of your holiday costs in advance
Take control and pay off unexpected expenses
Manage your wedding expenses and ensure your special day runs smoothly
Apply online today and get your personalised loan quote.
Select the amount and payment option that suits you.
If approved, we aim to have the funds in your account the same day as your contract being signed online.
$2,000 - $40,000
$1.75 admin fee per repayment
11.95% - 29.95%
6 months - 5 years