In the next several months many people will attempt to borrow money in New Zealand. Before doing so, it is a very wise decision to look at your credit history via a credit report. Fortunately, there are ways to get a credit report for free in New Zealand. Centrix, Dun & Bradstreet and Veda Advantage all offer free credit reports via mail or an electronic copy via email. These credit reports tend to take 20 to 30 days.
If you want a credit report in one day it is available, but it comes at a cost. The cost for a one day credit report can be as high as $50. If you want your credit report in around a week or five days it will cost approximately $10. So, is it worth it to have a credit report expedited?
This is something you will have to determine yourself. If you can remain patient and wait a full month, you can save quite a bit of cash. Remember, a credit report and credit score is not going to change quickly. If you are looking to repair your credit or increase your credit score it can take months and sometimes years. It likely took a long time to hurt your credit so it will take time to repair it as well.
All potential borrowers of money should look at their options. Some may seek high interest credit cards or low credit score payday loans. Always look at the interest rates, how long it will take to repay the loan, and most importantly how much total interest you will pay before making a final decision. At Nectar, we offer affordable personal loans that can help you rebuild your credit while also getting the money you need.*
If you are looking to make home improvements or pay off medical expenses, personal loans are always an option. We encourage you to contact us today to learn more about the loans we offer.
We offer a simple loan application process that can be completed online or on a smartphone. If you have an Android or iPhone and want to submit your application while on the go, Nectars loan portal makes this easy. If you want to take more time and complete the application on your desktop or laptop computer, this is also available on Nectar’s website.
If you have any questions related to getting a credit report or improving a credit score with a Nectar personal loan, do not hesitate to call or contact us today.
*Nectar’s lending criteria and responsible lending checks apply.